December 1, 2015

Welcome Back Officer Tom Abarca!

Last week, Police Chief Kevin Vogel conducted the official swearing in of Police Officer Tom Abarca.
Chief Vogel and staff welcomed him into the Santa Cruz Police Department ranks for the 2nd time.

Officer Abarca began his law enforcement career with the SCPD from 2006 – 2009. Tom then left policing to be closer to his family and to work in the private sector.

Chief Vogel had the honor of placing his badge in the official badge pinning.
Fortunately for SCPD, Tom maintained close relationships with the department and his colleagues. Tom was one of the first to show up and volunteer to support us in the aftermath of the loss of Sergeant. Baker and Detective Butler.

Officer Abarca served in the US Marine Corp and held the rank of staff sergeant before he was honorably discharged in December 2005. Next, came Tom’s first stint with SCPD . He then worked for Lockheed Martin until applying to return to SCPD.
“We are happy to have him back. Officer Abarca returned to the Santa Cruz Police Department as a well respected and experienced police officer” said Chief Vogel.

Please join us in a congratulations and welcome to Officer Tom Abarca.