July 4th traditionally draws a large crowd to the Santa Cruz area. A citywide Safety Enhancement Zone will be enforced from July 3rd until the 5th. The Safety Enhancement Zone enacts “Triple Fines” for certain violations of the Municipal Code.This includes expensive triple fines for violations such as fireworks and public intoxication. It will cost over $1000 for each citation.
In order to maintain a safe environment, every available officer will be actively patrolling to insure residents and visitors enjoy a safe holiday.
Road closures and traffic plan detours will be in effect throughout the City of Santa Cruz this 4th of July weekend.
ROAD CLOSURES and NO PARKING Areas 7/3 to 7/5
East Cliff Point Parking -- July 3rd through July 4th Starting Sunday July 3rd, in the area at E. Cliff will be fenced off and not available to the public. This area will be posted “No Parking” effective 8:00 am on July 3rd and will remain in place through July 4th. FIRECRACKER 10K -- July 4th, 6:30 am to 10:30 am
The race begins at 8:30 at the Harvey West Scout House and travels through trails in Pogonip Park, onto Spring Street and through the upper West Side to the High Street bicycle path and ending at Harvey West Park.
SEABRIGHT AREA ROAD CLOSURE --July 4th at 6:00 pm, all roads through the lower Seabright neighborhood (south of Murray Street) and the Murray Street Bridge will be closed to through traffic. Residents and those with legitimate business will be allowed to access the area.
HOLY GHOST PARADE -- July 3rd,10:00 am to 11:00 am -The parade will occur on Sunday morning July 3rd and planned to start at 10:15 am. Once the parade passes through road closures, the road will be re-opened.
The following are scheduled street closures for parade:
Cathcart Street between Cedar Street and Pacific AvenuePacific Avenue between Elm Street and Water Street
Lincoln Street between Cedar Street and Pacific Avenue
Soquel Ave. between Pacific Ave and Parking garage
Cooper Street. between Pacific Ave and Parking garage.
Church Street. between Pacific Ave and Parking garage.
Locust Street. between Pacific Ave and Parking garage.
Front Street between River Street and Water Street
Water Street. between Pacific Ave and River St.
Mission Street between Pacific Avenue and Chestnut Street
Emmett Street between Mission Street and High Street
All fireworks are illegal in the City of Santa Cruz.

Santa Cruz Police & Fire Department are relying on our partnership with the community to keep us all safe this 4th of July.