SCPD practices with our local partners to ensure the highest possible interoperability and capability when responding to an incident. Our law enforcement efforts are fully integrated with the life-saving protocols of SCFD and EMS. Policing is chock full of men and women who live a life of valor and are ready, willing and able to respond.
The Threat Assessment tool is useless without you. Many shooters tip or leak their intent on social media, loose talk among friends, or through pre-operational behavior such as probing likely targets. If you see something that concerns you, you must say something to the police! You can report tips to #See Something, Say Something!
Through the Threats email mechanism, you can submit URL’s, screenshots, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter accounts of concern. However, if an attack is imminent, you must call 911. Please, don’t be the person who could have prevented a mass shooting, but kept silent because you did not want to get a friend in trouble. #SeeSomethingSaySomething!
Be assured that SCPD is taking appropriate precautions for local events. We carefully examine each event and examine the likelihood of a mass casualty incident. Once we have made a determination as to the safety of the event, operational plans are put into place and personnel is deployed when needed. You may or may not see our preparations, but when needed, Santa Cruz Police Officers stand ready, willing and able to protect you and your loved ones.
Authored by Chief Andrew Mills View all posts by