August 29, 2012

Aug. 19-26th - Week of Calls by Beat

 Here is a look at the last week of calls-for-service by beat, including the most common call types in order...

Beach - 364
Downtown - 292
Central - 807
East - 553
West - 466
Other - 13

TOTAL: 2,495
  1. Extra Check/Area Check/Request for Extra Check
  2. Noise/Disturbance
  3. Subject Refusing to Leave/Tresspass/Loitering 
  4. Alcohol/Public Intoxication
  5. Suspicious Circumstances/Suspicious Person 
  6. Out with Vehicle/Subject
  7. Shoplifting/Theft
  8. Found Property
  9. Traffic Stop
  10. Burglary/Vehicle/Commercial/Residential including Burglary Alarm