November 19, 2015

Take Back Santa Cruz & Santa Cruz Neighbors Donate to PRIDE Youth Program

Supporting our community is something near and dear to Take Back Santa Cruz and Santa Cruz Neighbors groups. Because of their commitment to the community youth, the two groups recently donated $1,300.00 the Santa Cruz Police Department PRIDE youth program.
SCPD PRIDE Program Receives $1,300 Donation from Take Back Santa Cruz and Santa Cruz Neighbors
The donation will directly support middle school students in the PRIDE program. The SCPD PRIDE program teaches and creates opportunity for youth to make better choices. The P.R.I.D.E. acronym stands for Personally Responsible Individual Development in Ethics.

"We are grateful to be supported by the community. The gift of this donation shares our SCPD vision of ensuring that all youth have opportunities for positive experiences in our community” said Chief Vogel "Programs such as PRIDE and BASTA give young people the chance to get involved and make a difference in their life choices. "

Thank you Take Back Santa Cruz and Santa Cruz Neighbors for supporting and giving back to our community.